Should my child be reading this? Tips for addressing challenging topics in children’s books
“When we share our stories, what it does is, it opens up our hearts for other people to share their...
School is back in session and I can hear my childrens’ teachers asking them what they read over the summer....
Building reading habits is essential for students to gain knowledge and improve academic performance. But many kids already do a...
As an educational program that relies on technology to function, the impact that our software has on students is something...
Hi there, I’m Gina. As an Omaha professional, mother, and dedicated volunteer to literacy efforts, I’ve spent the past several years championing literacy through the Literacy Center, which is focused on building literacy skills for adults. I recently started working with DIBS, so you’ll be hearing more from me later on.
Politics. It’s the last thing many people want to talk about, especially after a divisive election. To be clear, we’re going to spare you from another think piece on where the country is headed. Instead we're digging into the links between literacy, civic engagement and kids. How can our communities better involve youth in issues and create opportunities for them to develop solutions?
In the late 1800s, Joseph Malins, an English activist, wrote a poem about a cliff, a fence and an ambulance. The gist: There's a cliff that's very pleasant to walk on, so many people in the town nearby venture close to its edge. Some slip and fall into the valley below, and the town decides something has to be done.
Picture two 1st grade students. Their classroom is filled with books that line several different book shelves, which they will...
The Hopefuls of Public Education in Omaha We aren’t defiant, we just aren’t convinced. We don’t have charter schools and...